You want to do what now?

Run.  I want to run.  Running is freedom, and I want that freedom.  I have a nasty habit of not following through on things.  I am great at starting, but when I find out how much work is involved, I usually gracefully bow out.  And that is not who I want to be as I enter my thirties.  I want to be a strong, proud, and accomplished woman as I turn the big 3-0.
I am currently halfway through training for my first walking marathon with Team in Training.  Two months in and 2 months to go- I have never been more enthusiastic about doing something in my life.  I can think of several reasons why I want to do this.  They mostly consist of the typical- be more active, lose weight…but the best reason is pride in myself.  I want to see something through to the finish line.  I don’t care if it’s a 5K, a 10K, or a full blown marathon.  I just want to run.  I want to feel that sense of completion at the finish line, that I did something huge, something that not everyone in the world can do.  I need to do this for me.  I need to show myself that I am capable of pushing myself to the edge of what I thought possible- and then take a flying leap over the edge to see what is beyond it.
Obviously a full marathon is not going to be possible for me right now, or even in 6 months.  But a half is something I can see happening.  For me this is now about goal setting and follow through.  I am not going to just get up the day of the race and blow it outta the water.  I have to commit to this 100%.  My friends, family and boyfriend may think that I have lost my mind- but I don’t care.  This is for me.
With that…welcome to Will Run for Wine!  A place to vent, share my victories, and defeats (there will be many I am sure), a place to document this journey so that I can look back and think “wow! That is how this all got started!!”
So format wise what you can expect to see is “Motivation Monday”- Where I will share something that motivates me, a song, an article, a fellow runner etc.  Something that inspires me to get out of bed and pound the pavement every day.  “Wild card Wednesday”- so I have TONS of questions about the “running culture”, and my nerdy solution is to make a list of what I want to know, and draw a topic to research and discuss on Wednesdays.  Everything from nutrition, to gear to races.  If you have suggestions please comment away!!  “Thankful Thursday, A.K.A Friday Eve”- a little recap of the weekly training, and things that I am thankful for in my training (coaches, gear, new lessons- even the painful ones).  And…well other stuff to come I am sure!  I am just a baby blogger after all! J
I don’t want this to be a one and done sort of situation, this must be a lifestyle change for me.  Thus the 100% commitment.  Working with TNT, I know that I will be successful in the training.  I can make this happen. 
Here we go…..


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