I heart Kenyian out and backs

Why you ask?

Because they are pretty much amazing.  I get to challenge myself and every set is different.  I get to test out my speed and pace- and darn it...they are awesome.  A truly great workout.

I am a bit sore yet- but I hope after this weekend that I can stretch through this a bit more and work it out.

That might be a weekly training session for me...since I can't stand the dreadmill.

I am super excited to go see The Green Lantern in 3D!!  Ryan Renolds' abs in 3D are going to be amazing. I am going to have a GNO- and can't wait.  First dinner at El Loro with Michelle, Kristine and Kate.  Yay.  Meanwhile the Amazing Jeff will be headed out to Rochester to grab Stu and hit Albert Lea to see the new baby!  So I also am solo most of the weekend it  looks like!

And my lunch was amazing...
An open faced Morningstar Chick patty & wholly Guacamole sandwich and some mixed fruit....yum.

Looking forward to getting out there and running tomorrow!!


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