Motivation Monday- Rudy Garcia-Tolson, knee pain and newfound obsessions

Happy Monday!

On Friday the ING Miami Marathon FB page featured this great story about a young man names Rudy.  You can learn more about Rudy, and his AMAZING courage, sense of self- and downright determination here.  I think this kid is amazing.  In the face of adversity- he stood up and fought for himself- and for what he wanted.  He has never backed down because of his disability.  I think he is an inspiration for ALL endurance athletes.

So the IT still BS.  Couldn't run on Saturday, and it's getting to the point that I am missing trainings...and am getting behind.  I am afraid that the Du and Nike may not happen.  I know that I need ALL of the training that I had planned for this summer.  So if after training on Wednesday I am unable to run... I believe it will be time to go to the PT...and see wtf is up with this pain.

So all of...well the vast majority of my friends are nutso about Glee.  I love breaking into song as much as the next person...but I couldn't understand what it was such a big thing.  And then I saw the first few pulled at my early 90's childhood...with songs like "Push it" by Salt'n'Peppa, and "I wanna sex up up" by Coler me Bad.  once I saw the tribute CMB...I KNEW this show was for me... I laughed so hard I almost peed.  And now I am hooked.


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