Wildcard Wednesday- Getting back on the training wagon after injury, and barefoot running

So for the last month I have been nursing an IT band injury- and I *think* that it has finally gotten to the point where I can get back out on the road.  I do think that a new pair of shoes will plan a huge part in having a successful re-entry into the training area.  I have been very interested in trying the Vibram FiveFingers®, and also the New Balance Minimus.  Has anyone used these?  I have gotten a great review of the NB from a TNT teammate and she loves them.  I feel like perhaps the amount of cushioning in my Nike Motos and my Asics are hindering me from being able to sense my gait, thus causing injury.  And injury is no good.
So I have been very interested in the idea of barefoot running, or at least the minimalist running craze.
Running and Transiting
I found a great blog- Barefoot Running University; it had awesome info for the new BFR (Barefoot Runner).  They have outlined a "Lose the Shoes" Plan that details how to transition to minimalist or BF running.  The plan outlines the transition in 5 stages, the first 4 to be over the course of 4 months.  That seems like a very long transition- but I am not an experienced runner, and it seems like the blogger of BFRU is...so I will take his word for it.  I don't necessarily want to run barefoot per se...but in a minimalist shoe for sure.  Although, a transition to those shoes it highly recommended by Healthy Tipping Point's Caitlin, you can read about her transition to the Vibram's here.
Shoe choices
I will admit that the Vibram's look odd...and feel odd.  I tried them on at REI once...and they felt strange.  I think now though, that I had on the wrong size because they were very, very tight.  I like the look of the Komodo Sport version, because of it's bright colors, and also the Speed- I love the vintage look!  And I think that the laces may be a bit more comfortable that the velcro on the Komodo Sport.  Most styles average $100.  I think that I may have to give them another go...

I love the look of the New Balance Minimis for women.  they have so many options now since the release of the shoe in March of this year.  They now offer a Trail Runner, Cross Trainer, and fitness walking shoe.  All for around $100.  These can also be worn with or without socks.  And I hate socks...so this makes me happy.

I have also read other review of minimalist running shoes, but they all seem to be trail running, not road running shoes.  And I am not yet up to trail running- so I think I will stick with the road running shoes at this point.

Have you tried minimalist running shoes?  What do you think of barefoot running?


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