Motivation Monday- oops I forgot my motivation. :(

I have been sadly neglecting my bloggin duties the last few weeks due to injury and serious frustration.  Since my Minneapolis half marathon, I have been dealing with an injured IT band and a lack of energy.  Just not feeling like myself.  But I think if I just jolt myself awake one morning and hit the bike I can get back into the swing of things.

Just about 6 weeks left until my Minneapolis Duathlon...and I still have not had the bike outside.  And that is bad.  I need to get the feel for riding the bike outside and learn how it handles.

This past weekend The Amazing Jeff and I went to Duluth, MN for our 2 year anniversary.  It was awesome!  Trip details and pics to follow in another post!  It was a MUCH needed vacation, albeit min- vaca- still wonderful all the same.

So I will leave you with this gem:

It's a goodie for sparkin a little motivation every now and again... enjoy!


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