Motivation Monday...errr Tuesday

Pain.  This is a marathon’s constant companion.  At least this marathoner.
Currently I am a “walker”, but am beginning the transition to running for the Nike Women’s half marathon.  So Saturday we had a 9 mile route for training.  And it was killer, windy, and cold and lots of rolling hills.  I have never been so sore and so exhausted in my life.  (I fell asleep in the laundry room that afternoon waiting for a machine to open up…twice.  yikes) I think this is because I ran.  I ran the last half mile (truly amazing for me).  My coach mentioned that there was chocolate milk at the finish line…so I ran.  
Clearly I may need to change the name of this blog to “Will run for chocolate milk”
So aside from being is great amounts of pain, it was a good training.  I learned that I do not want to be in that much pain ever again J  that means that there needs to be more stretching, and more training during the week.  I accidently missed my mid-week session since I went to the wrong location! Ooops!
Pain is an amazing motivator.  I wanted so badly to run on Saturday- and it felt so good to run.  And it hurt like hell when I stopped.  I was not expecting that.  So it made me think- if it hurts to stop, and it feels amazing to run…why in the name if all that is holy am I WALKING???
This coming Saturday is my first ever 10 mile day; and then I am super insanse because I am walking an additional 4 miles next weekend for March for Babies. sweet.


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